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The Real Definition of Success
When this idea entered my mind I was traveling about 35 miles per hour on a side street going home. Why did this idea all of a sudden enter my consciousness? If I could answer where creativity comes from and possibly how such inspirations come about, maybe I can give all of you a definitive explanation. But for now I will take it as a sign to just keep on plugging away trying to find my own success and or happiness around this personal finance journey intertwined with this PF blog. How do I define success? Keep reading below to find out and maybe confirm if you agree with the definition of success.
The definition of success will never be the ownership of a material thing! Let me say it again, success is never defined by owning a car, a house, or an expensive boat. That is not the success I want for myself or for anyone reading this blog. Is it great to be able to own a house outright with no mortgage? Of course it is, but that doesn’t define the real success we feel as humans. I believe their is a deeper meaning that has been lost in this fast paced world. Only a select number of people who clearly can see or feel the difference between material accumulation and real success understand it.
A car is a comparable thing often confused with imaginary success, but the only success it actually accomplishes is that it gets you from point A to point B. Why the heck would anyone define a rolling machine as achieving success. Success is defined by accomplishing an aim or a purpose. If the aim was to go into debt to buy a rolling machine then guess what you’ve achieved the aim, but you successfully set yourself backwards in financial status.(aka not success)
How Do I Define Success
I believe real success is a preferred mix of happiness based around having a joyous family base, a life where the work that matters brings a smile, a journey of constant creativity that begets fun activities, and hobbies intermingled with entertainment in order to tie up life’s balance with a bow. – Rich Uncle EL
Now what do you have to say about how I define success that will help contribute to the whole unequivocal meaning behind the objective of this post!
If life’s real success were based around monetary purchases it would translate into a misguided life.
I am ready to achieve all the success that life has readily available for the taking, but I wonder if later on when I look back and realize that real success is gained in levels as we grow. Well then at that moment, each success you desire to achieve in the future should begin the next chapter of life.
The past cannot be about failure or regrets it should be about realizing that maybe you weren’t ready for the success you expected. – Rich Uncle EL
If success is measured in happiness then I realize it will take something big to change the path you were on in life for people feeling not so happy. It all comes down to facing the choice between doing something or doing nothing productive.
As of today I am content and happy with my family life, career could be a bit improved but there’s always a good side and a not so good side to every job, creativity is going well and I express it within this site, hobbies can improve and I will add another 1 in 2016, entertainment is on point, skills always need a constant reevaluation. So am I successfull? I believe so and guess what I didn’t tie it to any physical or material purchase.
Please comment on How I Define Success or how you Define it?
Rich Uncle EL
The post How Do I Define Success appeared first on MoneyWatch101.